[. . . ] Daylight Saving Time (DST) Slide the DST switch inside the battery compartment to turn on/ off in areas observing/ not observing such summer time change. ON When turned on, a daylight saving icon lights up on display. DST Area Code 1 Ireland Portugal UK 2 Austria Czech republic France Germany Holland Italy Poland Spain Sweden 3 Eastern Europe Finland Greece 4 Russia 1 RR75 Euro IB 1 6/22/00, 2:12 PM Power Supply EN Your set can be powered from the mains (via its stand) or by batteries (independent operation). Replace the holder. Protection against power cutoffs for Automatic Time Set (ATS) function As a backup for Automatic Time Set (ATS), a button lithium battery is already included. [. . . ] Find the radio station. TUNING DWN UP Notes: · For AM, turn the set to find the position which gives the best reception. When the radioalarm clock is on the stand, the aerial does not have to be unfolded since FM is received via the stand. Adjust the volume VOLUME DWN UP Notes: · If there is a power cut, the sound is not interrupted when the power supply mode changes from the mains to the batteries. ON / OFF 5. Press briefly, the radio is switched off. 4 RR75 Euro IB 4 6/22/00, 2:12 PM Setting Time Setting Time You do not have to set the clock time as a built-in Automatic Time Set (ATS) system is equipped in this clock powered by a 3V lithium battery (CR2430, included). All you have to do is to plug this unit for power and current time will be shown automatically. In case you want to do manual clock setting: TIME SET LOCK EN 1. Slide the function switch to LOCK position when setting finished. TIME SET LOCK 5 RR75 Euro IB 5 6/22/00, 2:12 PM Setting Alarm EN Setting Alarm Time TIME SET LOCK 1. Slide the function switch to LOCK position when setting finished. TIME SET LOCK ALARM MODE - there are 2 alarm modes 1. Make sure that the station is transmitting at the set alarm time. VOLUME DWN UP 2. The ra- ALARM MODE dio will switch on at the programmed time and stop automatically after 2 hours. 2. Alarm buzzer ALARM MODE Press until the bell-shaped icon shows on display. The alarm buzzer will switch on at the programmed time and stop automatically after 2 hours. 6 RR75 Euro IB 6 6/22/00, 2:12 PM Operating the Clock Radio Cancelling alarm mode ALARM MODE EN Press and hold until bell-shaped or music-note icon disappeared. Checking alarm time TIME SET LOCK Slide the function switch to AL SET to show the current alarm time setting on the display. Stopping the alarm momentarily Press briefly, the alarm or radio cuts out. The radio or alarm will automatically start up again about 9 minutes later. (see Snooze SNOOZE/ LIGHT Alarm operation next page for more details) Stopping the alarm completely ON / OFF Press briefly, the radio or alarm stops and only starts again 24 hours later. Week End Canceller (WEC) SCROLL/ WEC Press briefly until WEC icon shows on display. The alarm function will be stopped automatically every Saturday and Sunday. Press briefly for de-selection. Lighting the display If you want to know the time when the set is in the dark, press SNOOZE/ LIGHT briefly, the display is lit up for a few seconds. [. . . ] · If you do not use your set on battery power for more than one month, we advise you to take out all the batteries. · To prevent personal injury, do not reverse any battery and do not mix battery types. · Help protect the environment - we recommend that you dispose of used batteries by putting them into specially designed receptacles. MAINTENANCE · Clean the unit with a soft cloth, or a damp chamois leather. Never use solvents. The descriptions and characteristics given in this document are given as a general indication and not as a guarantee. [. . . ]